The XIXth International Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Research Conference addressed the theme of Open Data, Information and Content, and took place from 4 to 6 July 2018 on KU Leuven’s campus in Bruges (Belgium). The conference welcomed contributions from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives (pedagogy, technology, linguistics and psychology) with a view to discussing as a community the multiplicity of challenges inherent in the description, interpretation, (re-)use, and sustainable exploitation of open data, information and content for language learning and teaching.
Outcomes and impressions
More than 130 delegates from over 30 countries took part in a varied programme. The programme comprised:
- keynote talks by top experts in the field: Rose Luckin (University College London) on artificial intelligence, and Alex Boulton (Université de Lorraine & CNRS) on data-driven learning;
- over 80 regular paper presentations;
- three thought-provoking selected plenary talks;
- an open panel for prospective authors of the Computer Assisted Language Learning Journal, organized by its editorial board and reviewers;
- an award session for researchers who distinguished themselves in the field of CALL;
- invigorating social activities in the charming medieval city of Bruges.
For more detail on the programme, please refer to the programme section of this website. There you can also download the open access conference proceedings.
Here are some impressions:
Gearing up for #call2018
Dress code: casual.
— Jozef Colpaert (@JozefColpaert) June 29, 2018
#call2018 registration team waiting for y’all!
— Frederik Cornillie (@fcornillie) July 4, 2018
CALL2018 Conference starts with social programme! #CALL2018
— Sake Jager (@sakejgr) July 4, 2018
Wonderful to be here in Beautiful Brügge for #CALL2018 looking forward to speaking about AI and CALL @EDUCATEldn
— Rose luckin (@Knowldgillusion) July 4, 2018
Vice-rector @PietDesmet is kicking off the International CALL Research Conference at @KULeuvenBrugge for 150 delegates. #Call2018
— MEETINGinBRUGGE (@Meeting_Brugge) July 4, 2018
Rose Luckin in key note ‘data is “crude oil”, intelligent humans need to define its refinement’. Critical role for educators. #call2018
— Sake Jager (@sakejgr) July 4, 2018
#CALL2018 Frin Rose Luckin, one of key limitations of AI is its inability to justify decisions. As educators we spend a lot of time justifying decisions!
— Odette (@OdetteGabaudan) July 4, 2018
President of #call2018 thanking @KU_Leuven and the city of Bruges for their hospitality
— Frederik Cornillie (@fcornillie) July 4, 2018
Teaching large classes : “teaching in the dark” (little engagement from students, very little feed-back to teacher) according to Irina Elgort (Uni Wellington, NZ) #Call2018
— Antoine Besnehard (@Languages2_0) July 5, 2018
Alex Boulton kicking off his keynote at #call2018
— Frederik Cornillie (@fcornillie) July 5, 2018
Full house at #call2018 for another splendid and thorough keynote (Alex Boulton)
— Frederik Cornillie (@fcornillie) July 5, 2018
#call2018 be sure to visit the sponsor booths of @Barco and @TelevicGroup — they are also making this conference happen !
— Frederik Cornillie (@fcornillie) July 5, 2018
Great evening tonight! #call2018
— Quinlan Life (@quinlanonian) July 5, 2018
Phil Hubbard receives a more than well-deserved lifetime achievement award at #call2018
— Frederik Cornillie (@fcornillie) July 6, 2018
Next year’s call conference will be held in Hong Kong. Bye bye #call2018, Hello #call2019 !
— Antoine Besnehard (@Languages2_0) July 6, 2018
#Call2018 was a great conference organised by a very engaged team, good & varied in innovative content, a very supportive community and excellent social events. Thank you so much for making it possible
— Kristi Jauregi (@jauregi) July 6, 2018
I had a Great Time at #CALL2018. Inspiring Presentations and Amazing Social Program! Enjoyed meeting other PhD students John and Alice!
— Nth_Gonzalez-Acevedo (@Enthac) July 6, 2018
Fantastic #call2018 conference, what a lovely supportive bunch of people – Caoilfhionn especially enjoyed herself chatting to so many different people in so many different languages! Thanks to everyone!
— Neasa Ní Chiaráin (@nichiarain) July 6, 2018
More tweets here.